
Corrections Some rules to remember To be well understood, it is better to speak the same language. 1 always correct with different color pen than the text and using the correction signs to avoid confusion 2 never correct in the text, just specify the correction...


Color Bright and inks Describe a color often seems random and complicated. To simplify and standardize this task, there are three main processes that allow efficient management of colors: RGB, CMYK and Spot Colors. But beware, the RGB spectrum is a bright and CMYK and...

Vector Image

Vector Image Bezier curves images. A vector image is not composed of pixels as bitmap images. Its construction consists of a so-called Iron Wire or path structure. In fact, to draw a vector image, you indicate a starting point and an arrival point. Then the...

Bitmap Image

Bitmap Image Digital images are divided into two main categories: bitmap and vector. Bitmap images can be broadcast or printed. Broadcast Printing On a screen pixel format is given as 640 × 480 pixels (a 13 inch format). Width first then the height is always...


Image Images are divided into two main categories: bitmap and vector. How to use Before using or working on an image, it’s necessary to know its destination. You can edit(printer, desktop printer …) or broadcast (internet, videos, PowerPoint …). Vector images should...