Graphic design
is not art
Graphic studio includes all the skills necessary to achieve an efficient visual communication. The Graphic Design is a visual communication technique that is only interested in formatting. It is not to about adorning or embellishing, but rather creating graphic elements that will establish a relevant communication. Graphic design is not art. Visual communication does not pursue an aesthetic purpose, it fulfils a technical function (of course, when the result is both effective and beautiful, it’s even better!).
Art has only one goal: for artists to produce an emotion based on the technique and the medium of their choice. On the other hand, design must meet several constraints, chief of which is the medium (paper, digital…). The design is always the first step in a manufactural chain. It must operate according to the manufacturer’s (e.g. a printer’s) technical constraints and must primarily rely on communication techniques and codes in order to design an effective creation.
[ Studio ]
What We Do
Visual communication
does not pursue an
aesthetic purpose
It is not art